Jay Wolf's Basketball Star Shooter Camp Schedule
2025 Dates Are Available
Now Accepting Invitations to
Host Jay's Star Shooter Camp
"Star Shooter's Camp had a tremendous affect on our program. Take a look at these stats: we went from 5 wins to 12 wins. We shot free throws at 80% 12 times; 90% 4 times; and 100% twice."
Alex Baker - McHenry HS - McHenry, IL
"We conduct our camp WHEREVER we are invited. No school is too small."
Event Information:
Fri01Jun2018Kirkwood, MO 63122 - St. John Vianney High School
Kirkwood, MO 63122
8:30 - Noon Grades 5 - 7; 1 - 4:30 Grades 8 & up
These Basketball Shooting Camp Sessions Have LIMITED Space. REGISTER EARLY!
CAMP FEE: Option 1 - $59; Option 2 - $70
Contact: Kevin Walsh
Phone: 314-707-8685
Email: kwalsh@vianney.comTO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD, CALL 800-735-0356